
Bulk SMS in Africa: How SMS Is Shaping Up in Kenya

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In recent years, Kenya has experienced massive urban growth. This has made it great for new retailers, as they cash in on a growing middle class. Despite extreme economic inequality, Kenya has been able to grow its consumer base. This means more business for those who know how to find it.

Bulk SMS in Africa

Even better, Kenya has worked to digitize its population. In this way, a growing portion of the population can now be reached through digital marketing methods, such as SMS. Companies in Kenya would do well to take advantage of these new digital marketing features to get an early leg up on their competition.

Below, we take a look at the state of bulk SMS in Kenya by looking at vital statistics that affect its efficiency.

Kenya: An Overview

Several factors are currently contributing to the rise of the use of bulk SMS in Kenya. What’s more, many of these same reasons work to make it a much more worthwhile practice.

Some of these are:

  • A Growing Urban Population

With an urban population that hovers just a bit over 25%, Kenya proves to be one of the most modern cities in Africa. Additionally, as a growing percentage of the population moves away from traditional practices to embrace modernity, the country has become a hub for new businesses.

What’s more, this population has become increasingly reliant on these businesses—and used to their methods. Even more importantly, however, this growing urban population is also growing in wealth, meaning that they now have the luxury of spending more money.

This makes them much more of a target audience for businesses.

  • More Smartphone Users

Perhaps even more importantly, Kenya has a high cellphone penetration rate. In other words, a growing proportion of the Kenyan population is now using cellphones.

It’s not difficult to see why this is a boon to SMS marketing. As more individuals have access to smartphones, they’re able to receive new SMS updates. This makes it a much more practical and effective method for business owners to reach potential customers.

Currently, Kenya’s cell phone penetration percentage is right at 20%–meaning that millions within the country make use of their cellphones. This proves great for Internet marketers, as they can be sure to reach a significant portion of the population.

  • More Opportunities for Retailers

So what does this all mean for retailers?

That’s an easy question—more opportunities for business. That’s right—with a growing number of people able to spend money, the number of potential customers a business has continues to climb.

However, in order to take advantage of it, businesses need to realize that they’re at the forefront of a digital revolution. This means taking advantage of new bulk SMS opportunities. Fortunately, the practice is becoming increasingly popular—giving retailers more opportunities.

The Bottom Line

Bulk SMS plays an integral part in the marketing methods of many in Kenya. Because of the growing urban and smartphone-using population, the nation is quickly evolving to meet new technological demands.

2-WAY SMS in a Conversational Bot Era

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2-WAY SMS is one of the most powerful features of a strong SMS campaign. With 2-WAY SMS, both businesses and politicians can start to take control and achieve better results.

To understand how to fully implement 2-WAY SMS in your marketing campaign, you’ll need to have an understanding of SMS autoresponders. With this in mind, you’ll be able to maximize your ROI and start to achieve better results.

SMS personailzation

Before you can do this, however, you’ll need to brush up on SMS autoresponders. Below, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about this powerful functionality, including what they are and how you can create them. Then, we’ll show you just how important SMS autoresponders can be for you.

What Are SMS Autoresponders?

First, let’s start with an easy question. What are SMS autoresponders?

How about only the best way to personalize your SMS marketing campaign? With autoresponders, you can make your bulk SMS strategy feel individualized. This works through the use of SMS short codes that are tailored to specific customers’ needs.

These autoresponders work by sending out a bulk SMS to which customers can reply with different shortcodes. These shortcodes prompt a different response from your automated system, and this is typically a response that works to address their issues. In this way, customers can get quick and accurate service without having to go through the hassle of speaking to customer service.

With these SMS autoresponders in play, you’ll be able to better handle the needs of your clients and increase your brand’s image.

How Can You Create SMS Autoresponders?

So far, SMS autoresponders sound like a pretty sweet deal, right?

But how can you start capitalizing on them to revamp your SMS marketing campaign? To do so, you’ll likely need the assistance of an autoresponder company. These companies can help you establish an SMS autoresponder platform for your business, allowing you to customize your texts as need be.

Remember that these will work through the use of short and long codes. You’ll need to make sure that you set the codes for each bulk SMS autoresponder to get accurate data.

Benefits of SMS Autoresponders

Several benefits to using autoresponders exist. Consider the following benefits below:

  1. Better Data Tracking

With SMS autoresponders, you’ll be able to better track and meet the needs of your customers. By being able to get customer feedback in real time, you’ll have access to the information you need to improve your business.

This will allow you to make the changes you need to better your ROI.

  1. Customer-Friendly Image

Customers tend to prefer businesses that make them feel as if they have value. With an SMS autoresponder, you can get this image, even if you don’t have a large customer support staff.

Because customers will be able to collect vital information from their autoresponder, you’ll be able to boost your image without relying too heavily on support staff.

What’s more, the quick, convenient nature of the autoresponders will help further boost your brand’s image.

Keep this in mind as you implement your own SMS campaign.

2-WAY SMS for Opinion Polls

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2-WAY SMS has proven an effective option for businesses and politicians alike. By creating a 2-way channel that allows for real-time feedback, 2-way SMS helps provide critical information to both parties.

This proves an invaluable asset for individuals or organizations looking to get feedback from their customers. In this way, 2-WAY SMS allows for these parties to better adapt to customer or constituent needs.


It’s not hard to imagine how this proves incredibly beneficial to both businesses and politicians alike. However, it can be a bit harder fully understanding just how this 2-WAY SMS works. However, with this understanding, you’ll be better on your way to using this powerful functionality for yourself.

Below, we’ll take a look at just how 2-WAY SMS works, but first, let’s consider some of its powerful benefits. Keep these benefits in mind as you work to establish or upgrade your own SMS campaign.

Benefits of 2-WAY SMS

There are several benefits to using 2-WAY SMS. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Better Adaptability

By using 2-WAY SMS, businesses and politicians can get real-time feedback on the needs and wants of their customers. This provides for better adaptability, allowing them to better tailor their campaign structures.

For businesses, this allows management to tailor their practices to better suit consumer tastes. This can increase sales, boost one’s top-of-mind awareness, and even make the business appear more customer-centric.

On the other hand, for politicians, it can have an equally important effect. By understanding the needs, wants, and attitudes of their constituents, politicians can tailor their campaigns for more favorable outcomes. In this way, 2-WAY SMS has become an integral part of the political trail, allowing politicians to increase their chances of winning.

  1. Better Familiarity

What’s more, by having 2-WAY SMS, customers will feel as if their opinions are more appreciated. In this way, businesses can boost their business-friendly image.

This will help set them apart from their competition, as customers tend to gravitate towards businesses that make them feel more appreciated.

How Can 2-WAY SMS Collect Information and Supply It in Real Time

With this in mind, it’s time to consider another question: how does 2-WAY SMS work?

Think of it this way: let’s say you’re a politician sending out bulk SMS. You’re wondering what your constituents think of your stance on a certain issue—say immigration.

By using 2-WAY SMS, you can track this data in real time. 2-WAY SMS works by allowing those on your SMS list to text back a shortcode in the reply. This code will then be translated into trackable information—in our case, a “yes” or a “no,” based on their approval.

As you may be able to tell, 2-WAY SMS provides for a number of creative marketing opportunities. Most importantly, though, it makes for a solid way to collect mass information and keep track of it. In this way, businesses and politicians can keep a better eye on the data that matters to them. For this reason, make sure to add 2-WAY SMS to your campaign.

How Bulk SMS Shapes Retail and Rewards

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Bulk SMS has become a popular marketing method. So popular, in fact, that it’s starting to change the way that businesses do business.

This proves especially true in the retail and rewards sector, where bulk SMS is opening new avenues of communication. By understanding just how SMS is affecting these areas, you can start to capitalize on it for your best benefit.

SMS marketing creative tips

Don’t know where to get started in researching SMS and retail? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Below, we’ll walk you through the information you need to know about SMS and retail. Our comprehensive overview will give you the insight needed to start using this marketing form to your advantage.

SMS and Retail

So just how is SMS shaping retail? Let us count the ways.

The introduction of this powerful new marketing form has caused a transformation in the industry. And if you’re not keeping pace, you may find that your business is going down. By staying on top of these trends, you can ensure that you’re making more business and enjoying a better ROI.

To understand the impact of SMS on retail, consider the following.

  1. Offering Discounts

One of the most effective methods of using SMS in retail is to offer discounts to customers. Make sure that your customers are up-to-date on all of your sales and specials to further drive your business.

And there’s no better way to let them know that through convenient SMS services. With SMS, you can make sure that your customers are aware of what’s going on at your business—helping them come out.

What’s more, if you make sure to offer exclusive discounts for those who sign up for text alerts, you can expect to see an increase in the number of individuals on your SMS list.

This strategy, known as enticement, can be a great way to encourage customers to opt-in to your SMS list.

  1. Offering Rewards

This can also be done by offering rewards. Can customers receive a special discount or coupon for using SMS? Are they eligible to take part in a special event or promotion?

By working to increase the benefits of joining SMS, you can make it much more appealing for customers in general. This will allow you to build a loyal customer base, as well as a solid SMS list. This will help pave the way for long-term success.

  1. VIP Services

In a nutshell, this means that you’ll need to treat your SMS almost like VIP service. Though customers don’t have to pay to enter, they do get quite a few perks—including specials and rewards that weren’t announced elsewhere. You may even choose to limit some discounts to coupon codes that are found in your SMS marketing.

In this way, you can build an effective SMS list that will start boosting your ROI. By implementing this as part of your digital marketing strategy, you can be sure to start increasing your profits in no time.

How Do You Start with SMS Marketing?

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So you want to get started with SMS marketing—and we can’t say that we blame you. This proven-effective method of marketing has shown to have some of the highest ROI on the market.

But if you’re just starting out, it can be difficult finding just where you should start. The truth is that a mismanaged SMS marketing campaign won’t provide you with the results that you want, and could, in fact, land you in a good bit of trouble.

How Do You Start with SMS Marketing?

For this reason, it’s important to understand just how to get started running your SMS campaign. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. Below, we’ll walk you through the important information that you need to know in order to run an effective SMS marketing campaign.

By following this guide below, you’ll be able to maximize your ROI and cut down on any issues that you may face while implementing your marketing strategy.

Getting Started

To get started with SMS marketing, consider the following information:

  1. Stay Compliant

First and foremost, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re following compliance regulations. Most notably, you’ll want to meet the standards of the GDPR, European legislation that governs what companies can do with consumer information. It also places strict limits on how a company can collect this private information.

There are three main takeaways that you should keep in mind regarding compliance:

  • Provide Opt-Ins—You’ll need to get the consent of any party you use for your SMS marketing campaign. In other words, ask permission to use their number (and emails) before adding them to your list.
  • Provide Opt-Outs—You’ll also want to allow them to optout of your marketing at any time with an unsubscribe option.
  • Data Deletion—Finally, you’ll need to be able to delete all consumer data upon request of a customer.

Build an SMS List

With this information in mind, you’ll want to build an SMS list. This list contains the customers you will be targeting in your SMS campaign. The better your list, the better your ROI will be. For this reason, make sure that you’re taking the time to maintain your list and tailor your marketing methods to suit your customers.

You may also decide to invest in an SMS verifier to make sure that your list stays accurate. With an SMS verifier, you can be sure that the information you have on your list is correct, helping you not target fake or out-of-service numbers. By doing so, you can increase your ROI and start to make higher profits.

The Bottom Line

Starting an SMS campaign may not always be easy—but it’s worth it. With the right SMS strategy, you can start to grow your brand and position your company as a leader in your local market.

To do so, make sure that you start from the basics: putting together a great SMS list. With a great list, you’ll be able to start reaching your customers and driving sales faster than you ever thought possible. Remember to be careful as you do so, however, as you’ll want to meet strict compliancy regulations. In this way, you can ensure that your business stays on good footing.

Why SMS Marketing Beats Email in Any Possible Markets

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Much has been said about the power of email marketing for businesses. And while it’s still an effective means of marketing that businesses shouldn’t ignore, it no longer holds the crown for the best digital marketing method.

Instead, that title now belongs to SMS marketing. This powerful marketing method has come to be used across a variety of industries, from finance to retail to even political campaigns.

Why SMS Marketing Beats Email in Any Possible Markets

If you’re not using SMS marketing, you’re missing out on an incredibly effective way to grow your business. And trust us: it’s not something that you’re going to want to miss out on.

To illustrate just how effective SMS marketing is, consider the following information.

Why SMS Marketing Is King

Just why is it that SMS marketing has an advantage over other forms of marketing—including email? Consider the information below.

  1. Most of the World Has a Cellphone

In today’s day and age, most of the world has a cellphone. And, depending on the industry, you may find that the proportion of individuals with a cellphone is even higher.

This means that you can stay better connected with your customer base. Because you’ll be able to send messages straight to their phones, you can be better sure that your audience is receiving your messages.

This makes SMS marketing an incredibly convenient method for both your and your customers. In this way, you can start increasing your top of mind awareness in a way that’s beneficial for all involved.

  1. High Clickthrough and Response Rates

But that’s not the only reason that SMS marketing is so effective. Not only are you sending your messages straight to their phones, you’re also ensuring that they’ll respond.

That’s right—studies have shown that customers are more likely to respond to SMS marketing than they are to emails and other forms. This results in higher clickthrough rates and a boost to your business.

  1. Brevity Necessitates Quality

When sending an SMS, you’re going to be bound by a strict character limit. This will force you to come up with a quick, catchy message to entice your customers.

This makes customers much more likely to read and to respond to your messages than if you had sent a wordy email. Not only that, but you’ll be forced to make your short words extra powerful, helping to leave a deeper impression on your target audience.

  1. Cheaper for Businesses

Don’t forget that SMS marketing is cheaper than email. Several factors play into this, such as the smaller word count and different platform, helping make SMS a more cost-effective means of reaching your customers.

When combined with the fact that SMS marketing also produces a greater ROI, it’s not difficult to see why it’s become the marketing platform of choice.

The Bottom Line

SMS marketing offers a powerful ROI that you’ll be hard-pressed to find with any other form of digital marketing—including email.

By making SMS a part of your marketing strategy, you can boost your ROI in no time.

Bulk SMS in the UK

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Bulk SMS has become an important part of marketing strategies for many retailers in the UK. With a growing number of mobile phone users, the country has a growing SMS market.

Those looking to maximize their business in the UK should capitalize on this expanding bulk SMS market. With a high number of cellphone users and a sprawling urban environment, the UK has become a hot market for those looking to conduct bulk SMS marketing.

Bulk SMS in the UK

In fact, bulk SMS has made its way through several different sections of the UK market. Join us below as we take a look at how SMS has affected the UK and then look at just why SMS has proven so effective.

SMS Uses in the UK

Sow, how is SMS being used in the UK?

How about in just about every way imaginable. That’s right, businesses of all types in the UK have come to understand the importance of SMS marketing to their profits.


Retailers in the UK have discovered the important benefits of SMS marketing. From showcasing new, hot deals to keeping in touch with customers, retailers make use of SMS marketing to maintain their top of mind awareness.

Loan Providers

Does someone owe you a payment? Do you need to remind them of their upcoming obligations? If so, join other lenders in the UK who make use of SMS marketing to keep their customers on track.

With SMS marketing, you can help ensure that your payments come in on time—allowing your business to run even more smoothly.

Medical Providers

Are you a general practitioner? Do you need an effective way to remind your patients of their upcoming appointments?

Make SMS marketing your option of choice.

Like thousands of other practices across the UK, you can start using SMS marketing to better connect with your patients.

But why, exactly, has bulk SMS become so effective in the UK? Consider the following reasons below.

The Rise of Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS has become an effective means for marketing in the UK for several reasons. These reasons include:

  • High Smartphone Penetration Rate—The UK currently enjoys a smartphone penetration rate of over 70%. This is an increase of almost 50% when compared to figures just eight short years ago. This meteoric rise has made SMS a much more effective marketing means in the nation. With so many individuals now having access not just to cellphones, but smartphones as well, SMS has become increasingly effective.
  • Modern Population—What’s more, the UK enjoys a high urban population rate. These individuals generally stay more technologically-connected and up-to-date with the latest trends—such as SMS marketing. This has helped SMS become a bigger player in the UK market than other forms of marketing.

The Bottom Line

SMS in the UK has become a common and powerfully effective way to market. With businesses of all types and sizes now realizing the power of SMS marketing, it’s come to be a major player across a variety of industries. No matter what field your business is in, it’s time to consider using SMS marketing to get ahead in the UK.

SMS Marketing in Cyprus

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SMS marketing has become an increasingly popular and effective means of reaching consumers in Cyprus. With the population now staying more connected than ever, it’s time for businesses to modernize and accept this powerful digital marketing method.

SMS marketing in Cyprus

Several reasons exist as to why bulk SMS has become so effective in Cyprus. By understanding these methods, you can start to grow your business. With a heightened understanding of SMS marketing, you’ll be able to start making bigger profits and increasing your ROI.

To do this, consider the following important information that you need to know about SMS marketing in Cyprus.


Cyprus has a modest population, standing at just a little over a million people. However, with the population enjoying many of the benefits of modern society, multiple business opportunities exist.

In order to capitalize on these opportunities, however, business owners should start utilizing SMS marketing.

To understand why SMS marketing is so effective in Cyprus, consider the following information.

High Smart Phone Penetration

By far the most important consideration to make when starting SMS marketing is the cellphone usage rate in a certain area.

Think of it this way: if the population doesn’t have a cellphone, you’re not going to be very effective at reaching them through SMS. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure that the area has a high cellphone penetration rate.

The good news is that Cyprus enjoys a high cellphone penetration rate, especially among the younger generation. The truth is that most people in Cyprus have smartphones, making it incredibly useful and convenient to reach your consumers in this manner.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the different businesses that are making use of smartphones in Cyprus.

Local Businesses

Several local businesses in Cyprus make use of bulk SMS marketing. Consider how the following businesses make use of this popular marketing technique.

Insurance Companies

Insurance companies enjoy incredible benefits from SMS marketing in that they can start cutting down on missed payments. With SMS alerts, customers will be reminded to make their payments when they come due—helping prevent the occurrence that they forget to make a payment.

This allows customers to better plan for their payments—helping insurance companies get a better ROI.

Pet Examinations

Veterinarians know the hassle of having customers miss their appointments. Not only can this be frustrating, but it can result in lower profits.

If you’re looking to avoid this, consider investing in bulk SMS. With bulk SMS, veterinarians can set up appointment reminders in advance, helping ensure that people won’t miss their appointments.


But it’s not just insurance companies and veterinarians that can benefit from payment reminders. In fact, any business that relies on recurring payments can benefit from SMS marketing. By setting up reminders with customers, businesses will be able to take better care of their finances.

Special Offers

Does your company have any special offers? Do you have any great deals that your customers should know about?

Let bulk SMS help you spread the word. With the right bulk SMS technique, you’ll be able to promote your special offers to increase your ROI.


Retail, in particular, can take advantage of bulk SMS to better inform customers of any current deals or specials taking place. This will help drive business and lead to sustained growth.


Finally, keep in mind that while doing SMS in Cyprus, you’ll need to consider the GDPR. This European-passed legislation imposes strict requirements on data collection, meaning that you’ll need to get opt-in permission to use a customer’s information.

By keeping this in mind, you’ll be better equipped to run a successful SMS campaign in Cyprus.

GDPR and SMS Marketing: What to Watch

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SMS marketing has proven to be a highly-effective form of digital marketing. However, if you’re not careful, you could be landing your business in serious legal trouble.

That’s because several regulations governing the use of SMS marketing exist. Without staying on top of these regulations, you could be risking legal fines and other measures.

The GDPR, a measure recently passed by the European Union, is the largest legislation you need to be aware of when conducting your SMS marketing campaign. Though the legislation only affects companies that deal with customers in the European Union, it’s best to abide by this legislation entirely if you’re going to be running a business online. Because it can be difficult to determine where your customers are from, by meeting GDPR regulations across the board, you can avoid legal headaches for later.

With this in mind, consider the following information that you should know about the GDPR.

Stay Compliant

First and foremost, you’re going to want to stay compliant. Under the GDPR, this means giving your customers full consent and control over the data that you collect of them.

For instance, they’ll need to give express consent to have their data used for marketing purposes—including SMS and email. You’ll also need to be able to delete any of their information should they request it.

In this way, make sure that you set up your business in such a way that you can give control to your customers.

Gather Opt-in/Consent-Based Numbers

To do this, first, you’ll need to get opt-in permissions from your customers. During your online signup forms, you can add this option. Just be careful that customers can clearly see the opt-in and that they understand they’re using their mobile number for marketing purposes.

In this way, you can meet the requirements to gather opt-in numbers. By having permission from your customers, you’ll be able to start adding them to your marketing campaign.

Keep in mind, as well, that you’re going to need to store this sensitive information in a secure place—and that you’re going to need access to it rather quickly if an issue arises. For this reason, take care in how you store your data—as it can be just as important.

Provide Optout Links or Unsubscribe Options

Remember that just having an opt-in option isn’t enough. In order to stay GDPR compliant, you’re going to need to give your customers an opt-out option as well.

This will allow them to leave your marketing campaign and drop off your list if they no longer wish to subscribe to your messages. Obviously, your goal is to run a marketing campaign that will attract customers so much that they don’t opt out—but should the need arise, you’re going to want to be compliant.

For this reason, you may wish to attach a clear unsubscribe option to your messages. This will help make sure that you’re staying compliant and giving customers the resources they need.

Bulk SMS in Eastern Europe and How It’s Shaping Retail: Greece

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Greece is one of the most modern nations in Europe, with an urban population of nearly 80%. Extensively developed and rich in infrastructure, the nation makes a prime target for businesses that wish to engage in SMS marketing.

Bulk SMS in Greece

With the advent of smartphone technology, the growth in SMS marketing in Greece has been steady over the last decade. As more and more Greeks turn to their phones, this number is likely to increase in the coming years. For this reason, it’s crucial that we take a more detailed look at the state of bulk SMS marketing in Greece and examine how the practice could be shaping retail in the small Eastern European nation.

Greece Overview

One of the oldest nations in Europe, Greece is surprisingly modern. As of 2019, 78.2% of the population live in urban areas, making the country one of the most developed in terms of population and infrastructure. With this in mind, let’s take a look at how and why SMS marketing could be effective in Greece.

  1. Smartphone Penetration: Nearly seven million of the (nearly) eleven million Greeks own a smartphone. This makes smartphone penetration in the country an impressive 63.4%. These numbers are even higher among younger Greeks and those who are interested in e-commerce shopping and non-traditional means of retail and marketing. Essentially, this means that SMS marketing is an effective means of advertising for Greek businesses or businesses that wish to break into the Greek market. With the number of smartphone users only increasing by the year, it’s likely that this statistic will carry even more weight at the end of this decade. For this reason, it’s crucial that business owners take advantage of the current opportunity to invest in a quality bulk SMS marketing campaign so that they can get a head start on their competitors and secure their future market space.
  2. Affordability: Greece has a solid SMS infrastructure with over six different mobile networks. Because of this, the country boasts affordable SMS rates for companies that wish to take their operations to the next level. Simply put, it’s never been easier to engage in SMS marketing in Greece. This means that the time is now for businesses to take advantage of low prices and maximize their outreach!

The Bottom Line

One of the most developed nations in Eastern Europe, Greece has positioned itself as one of the prime locations for SMS marketing. With smartphone penetration rates high and a booming urban population, the nation only looks to embrace this form of marketing more in the future.

This means that businesses that wish to protect their assets and secure their market space must act now to invest in SMS marketing campaigns in Greece. It’s clear that the practice is already changing retail in the nation, and with more and more Greeks turning to smartphones every year, it’s only reasonable to assume that the SMS revolution has just begun.

With this in mind, it’s time to invest in your own bulk SMS marketing campaign in Greece!